VOA coverage of the Summit of the Americas
Cartagena, Colombia — The VOA Spanish Service coverage of the Summit of the Americas in Colombia included live and commissioned reports to sixteen radio and television affiliates. Six television stations throughout the region were provided with live Skype reports throughout the day and special summaries of the day’s events.
Coverage highlighted news about the US delegation with a focus on the activities of the President and the Secretary of State. Packages also included news events or issues that affiliates requested in accordance with their specific needs.
Reporters in the field conducted a number of interviews including: Jose Fernandez, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs; Ambassador Carmen Lomellin, United States Representative to the Organization of American States; John Feely, State Department Coordinator for the Summit of the Americas; Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Ambassador at Large for Global Women’s Issues, Michael McKinley, US Ambassador to Colombia; Maria Angela Holguin, Foreign Minister of Colombia.
Also interviewed by the Spanish Service: Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rep. David Rivera (R-FL), and Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX).