United States Agency for Global Media

Committee on the Voice of America in the 21st Century

The VOA Committee shall undertake a comprehensive review of VOA as an element of USIM by considering the following:
a. The role and purpose of VOA as defined in law and regulation and by stakeholders
within and outside of the BBG;

Page # 2 Adopted 10-30-2014
b. VOA as an element of U.S. foreign policy and public diplomacy;
c. The consequences of increased competition and a crowded media landscape to reach
and engage audiences in strategic media markets, as well as with global audiences;
d. The preparedness and agility of VOA to utilize existing and emerging media
platforms and channels in rapidly evolving media environments;
e. The opportunities and risks afforded by VOA’s affiliate distribution model, as well
as its role and collaboration vis a vis USIM media and other commercial and state
international organizations; and
f. VOA’s structure, organization and the disposition and adequacy of VOA resources.
3. Based on the foregoing, the VOA Committee shall develop recommendations for
consideration by the plenary Board on the future of VOA, including recommendations
regarding VOA’s role within USIM, how the VOA Charter should be understood and
implemented, and how VOA can become more effective in the 21st century.