United States Agency for Global Media

How to do business with us

USAGM champions competition, fair opportunity, and meeting government-wide small business goals and programs by providing small businesses with meaningful business opportunities.

In order to conduct business with the USAGM, potential vendors must:

Once a vendor’s SAM registration shows as Active in SAM, the vendor may pursue contract opportunities with USAGM by

Small businesses may also contact the agency’s Competition Advocate and representative for Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Khilena Adhin, kadhin@usagm.gov.

Use of Electronic Invoice Processing at USAGM

USAGM has implemented the use of smart government invoicing by implementing the use of the Invoice Processing Platform (IPP). All vendors conducting business with the Agency are required to enroll in IPP at the time of receiving a contract award and must submit all invoices through IPP.